SPRAT Certification Scheme
The SPRAT Certification scheme is a 3 tier system. Candidates with no previous experience will be required to carry out a SPRAT Level 1 course. The qualification has a validity of 3 years. Once qualified, technicians are required to work under the direct supervision of a SPRAT Level 3 Rope Access Supervisor or SPRAT Level 2 Rope Access Lead Technician.
As soon as technicians have gained a minimum of 500 hours of varied industrial rope access experience over a minimum period of 6 months they will be eligible to carry out a SPRAT Level 2 course. This 5 day course refreshes candidates in the basic techniques and covers the additional rigging and rescue techniques required for a Rope Access Lead Technician.
A further 500 hours of varied industrial rope access experience over a further 6 months and technicians may be ready to carry out a 5 day SPRAT Level 3 Rope Access Supervisor course. Once qualified you could be responsible for any rope access worksite. Level 3 technicians are required to hold a suitable First Aid qualification.
Once qualified as a SPRAT Level 3, technicians may then work as an assistant SPRAT rope access instructor and follow the SPRAT requirements to become a fully qualified SPRAT Level 3 Instructor.