About Your SPRAT Course

All SPRAT Level 1, 2 & 3 courses are 5 day events. Andrew Clarke, a SPRAT Level 3 Instructor, will first introduce you to the industry, the course objectives and discuss both employer and employee responsibilities under current North American industry law. You will also receive comprehensive education in current ? work at height’ industry Regulations.

You will receive a number of SPRAT documents at the commencement of the course together with a copy of the most comprehensive industrial rope access manual currently available.

In the afternoon, a VERA Industrial Access Inc. (SPRAT Level 3 Instructor) will introduce you to the most up to date equipment currently available and detail the methods of inspection and maintenance. They will then get you started on the most basic rope techniques.

The rest of the week is predominantly practical in nature as you progress through the more advanced techniques whilst gaining a gradual exposure to height as you become more familiar with your equipment. The final day consists of an independent SPRAT Assessment where your retained knowledge will be tested against a rigid criteria to ensure that you are able to perform the required techniques, in the way they have been taught, in a safe and efficient manner. There will always be an instructor on hand during the assessment to ensure that a safe and fair assessment is taking place. The emphasis at SPRAT Level 1 is on safety and not speed.

The work and, in particular, the SPRAT Level 1, 2 & 3 courses can be very strenuous and prospective candidates should ensure they have sufficient levels of physical fitness and stamina before booking onto a course.

During the week you will physically climb up almost 0.5km of rope using your own body strength. If you do not take part in any physical pastimes it may be worth considering attending a gym or doing some running prior to the commencement of your course.

SPRAT recommends a maximum Candidate / Instructor ratio of 8:1. To ensure our candidates receive the best chance of success at assessment, we operate a maximum 4:1 ratio.